Daniel Cheong Jun Jie

Welcome to my website! This website contains my projects that I did and my personal blogs and experience developing software applications. Thanks for visting my website!

Web development tips!

I personally have encountered this issue, with many of my classmates and people online. That is their footers do not stay at the bottom of the website and floats in the middle of the website. This solution will not only help to ensure that it is at the bottom of the website, but also do it in the most efficient way. This can be used in any website.

body {
    display: flex;
    min-height: 100vh;
    flex-direction: column;

the CSS above can be placed in your web.css that applies to all pages (I have placed in Here). Below is an example of the structure of your layouts html files, which is your template to be displayed across all pages. It will also work in vertically smaller pages. In this Example, the style is applied into the main_content_wrap division.

<div id="header_wrap" class="outer">
    <!-- HEADER CONTENT -->

<div id="main_content_wrap" class="outer" style="flex: 1;">
    <section id="main_content" class="inner">
        <!-- MAIN CONTENT -->

<div id="footer_wrap" class="outer">
    <!-- FOOTER CONTENT -->

2. Preview documents in website

This is a common function that I see people wanting to do: display the content of any document in the website itself without the need to go to another website to view it. Here are the steps to do this:

Step 1: upload your document to Google Drive by dragging and dropping your document into the website. Open your document by double-clicking it in Google Drive.

Step 2: Click on more options, then click open in new window

<iframe src="(document link you copied)" style="width:100%; height:50rem;" frameborder="0">

NOTE: Do change the /view at the end of the link to /preview, or else a forbidden 403 error will occur!
Here is an example of how I implemented it in the about me section to show my resume:

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LMTt7TD_GSLqxoiB9mxqjXTsnxCfVZ7h/preview" style="width:100%; height:50rem;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Explanation: what is <iframe> tag in HTML?

the iframe tag is an inline frame that embeds another document within the current HTML document. It is styled with CSS within the iframe tag (as shown above with style tag). This is very useful especially if you want the user to have quick access to the contents of your document without having to download it or visit another website. It is commonly used do display external content such as a document or a video.

3. CSS box model

CSS box model This is a must know concept for styling of website using CSS. It helps you to control the elements in your html page and to structure the website to your desired outcome. There are 4 components to a styling of a website (inside to outside):

1. Content

The content box is the smallest box and it contains the content of your website (text, images etc). Think of it as the object in a delivery box

2. Padding

The gap between your content and the edge of your box. It helps to give space between your content and the surrounding box so that the specific content is not too close to the edge of the box. Think of it as the space between the brown cardboard and the object inside a delivery box.

3. Border

The line around the box itself that goes around the padding and tightly wraps around your box. Think of it as the brown cardboard that encloses your object as a delivery box.

4. Margin

space around your box. Think of it as the space between your delivery box and another delivery box.